Reed Haggerty

Reed Haggerty

Chief Operating Officer
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Clients entrust us with their dream events. Reed makes sure their expectations are not merely met, but exceeded. He orchestrates our sales, staffing and culinary teams, ensuring extraordinary experiences for our clients and a great working environment for our employees.

In an industry where many start young, Reed may have started the youngest, scraping plates and folding napkins for his parents, David and Meg Haggerty, at the age of 7. Though Reed was born into the hospitality industry, it’s his passion for pleasing clients and working with teams of remarkable people that keep him engaged.

When he’s not dropping by one of our events, Reed is probably rooting on a Seattle sports franchise or checking on one of his fantasy league teams. You might also find him looking for his next car. He has owned seven in the past seven years. Favorite? A Ford Ranger pickup he snagged for a thousand bucks.