Libby Williamson

Libby Williamson

Event Manager, Tuxedos & Tennis Shoes
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What do thrifting and event planning have in common? They both require an eye for detail. Raised by an antique dealer, our Event Manager, Libby, promises to “help you find that thing you didn’t know you needed”, whether that’s a special décor touch or a vegetable side dish in a sea of carbs. Libby’s background in recreation management also trained her to value the guests’ experience, especially the simple joys in life – like good food and good company. Libby got her first taste for catering while feeding FEMA responders in the Oso Landslide of 2014, but she traces her attraction to the hospitality industry back to growing up in a household where guests were never allowed to leave unfed. When she’s not planning and overseeing the details of our events, you can find Libby in “junk stores”, on a perpetual quest to find her next upcycled treasure!